EIP greatly values its mutually beneficial relationship with commercial sponsors who contribute to the annual conference and our various educational activities through financial sponsorship. However, to ensure all commercial support is evaluated on ethical grounds, the EIP has adopted the following code of practice on the ethical conduct of fundraising activities.


  • EIP may accept funds from industry and other organisations for services rendered at EIP's meetings, conferences and educational programmes.
  • Decisions to enter into relationships with corporate sponsors must not conflict with children's best interests.
  • EIP's fundraising practices must be consistent with its mission.
  • EIP does not allow its objectivity in scientific matters to be influenced by any source of income.
  • The above principles will be applied to all activities organised by EIP.


  • Industry grantors shall have no control over the content of the supported programme of a meeting or the selection of participants.
  • For any research activity supported by commercial sources, EIP reserves the right to publish the results, whatever the conclusions, in appropriate publications.
  • EIP will not endorse or market any product or service of a for-profit company and will not enter into any sponsorship or activity that could be perceived as a product endorsement.
  • All advertising done in conjunction with EIP Congresses, websites, publications, or newsletters regarding commercial products is meant only for dissemination and should be factual, informative, educational, ethical and accurate.


All industry partners, exhibitors and symposium organisers are required to comply with the EIP Conference Code of Ethics.

  • Chairpersons and Speakers must declare any conflict of interest.
  • Corporate parties are allowed to organise meetings on the occasion of EIP. However, these meetings may take place only before or after the scientific sessions of EIP and are not part of the official scientific programme of the Conference.
  • The EIP must approve the programme and speakers of a meeting organised on the occasion of the EIP.
  • Promotional material, including meeting invitations, can be distributed only in exhibition areas, according to the guidelines outlined in the Exhibitors' manual.
  • Corporate parties are not allowed to distribute real products at congresses' premises. They are allowed to display products only for informational purposes.
  • Exhibitors are prohibited from distributing promotional materials outside their booths.
  • Financial incentives, gifts, lotteries and prize-winning games are prohibited.
  • Donations will not be accepted from organisations or industries involved in Tobacco and tobacco products, Alcoholic drinks, Weaponry, Exploitation of children and child labour, and Unethical-marketing practices.
  • The EIP must approve any additional promotional activities of exhibitors.
  • Before the beginning of the conference, the EIP must approve industry Partners' signs, meeting invitations or promotional leaflets.
  • The exhibition area is open only to delegates. No other visitors or accompanying persons are allowed in these areas.
  • There may be limited advertising opportunities in the scientific material (printed and/or electronic) distributed during the conference. Sponsors and exhibitors are given the opportunity to present their advertising in the Sponsors/ Exhibitors Catalogue.


The resources of the Institute are made up of the following:

  • Income generated by the organisation of the annual Conference
  • Sponsorships
  • National subsidies and funds, donations and endowments
  • Members' funds in kind
  • Membership subscription fees paid by the active members

The Institute is determined that any funding above operational needs will be invested in activities to support the efforts of professionals, associations, and organisations in developing countries to offer better children's health care services – the Institute solely decides on the allocations of these funds.